By the definition of social network, a telecom graph is actually a social network. So, we can apply the methods used in Social Network Analysis (SNA) to the massive telecom graph. Complex network, which have been intensively studied these years, its conception as well as its methods is used here to provide a better description for call graph.This paper discusses the above technologies. At first, a survey on link analysis will be done. A broad set of applications of link analysis in different fields will be presented. Then a typical application of link analysis to telecom call data will be introduced in detail, that's, the measurement of influence deduced from call graph for each telecom user. For this purpose, several famous algorithms and their improved versions will be applied. After that, the massive call graph in a whole will be examined, from the perspective of complex network. In the next chapter, a tool developed for call graph analysis is introduced, which combines most of the implementations of related algorithms in the research process. In chapter 6, the application of the whole research to telecom CRM system is discussed, and a couple of churn prediction models will be brought up and validated. Finally, conclusions for the whole research work are presented.