Stratospheric Telecommunication platform communication systems are an important part of the future global communication infrastructures. There is possibility it will become a chi pink dazzle auxiliary wireless communication system for the chi hair straightener mobile communication system on ground and the satellite communication system. One of the main technology need to be resolve is the handover technology, the management of handover will be one of the cheap polo shirts key factors that influence the system performance. So the article will research the handover method for Stratospheric Telecommunication platform and try to accomplish and improve the ralph lauren polo shirts performance of the platform on the basis of analysis of the platform’s network architecture.First of all, we introduced the original handover method for the platform which already exist and give a Lacoste Polo Shirts detail description to the handover style and handover process.Then, added something which weren’t make out but were absolutely necessary like handover decision algorithm, the communication method between BS, the allocation message up grade for MS, the operation after handover failure and the allocation strategy for slots before and after a MS’s handover in BS, defined the management messages’formats which were mentioned in the original handover method but weren’t defined.